Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Intro

p/s: Some of the photos are not mine.

So for our day 1 of course departed from airport to Incheon airport (heheheh). I'm Malaysian so I departed from KLIA2  at 1am. Yeah guys, Its so fucking sleepy. We didn't booked for hot seats eventho the flight duration to arrived Incheon airport is 6 hours. 6 HOURS GUYS! So exhausted like hell. I'm so excited and can't wait to walk on South Korea land for the first time. But before that I need to bear for 6 hours (uuuu) I'm so sleepy but can't sleep because excited and hungry but I didn't felt like to eat anythin. Oh I'm forgot to tell you. I'm flew with Air Asia (Now Everyone Can Fly) hahahah its their trademark tho.

At 7am, we were arrived at Incheon airport. We hold hands together because we can't believe our eyes right now. SERIOUSLY?! ITS SOUTH KOREA? THE COUNTRY THAT WE ALWAYS WATCHING THRU TV AND INTERNET? I feel like want to cry at that time. Its not crying because I wanted to go home. But I want to cry because I can unlocked one of my life goals. OMG! fucking excited and cannot wait to explore Seoul for these 7 days.

As we arrived at the airport, we didn't familiar with the high-tech that they used and also the signboard. OMG, now I see signboard in korean and english language. So funny at that time. We passed the immigration so the first thing that we need to do is to get the T-money. Yeah, guys, now you need to apply your korean language or you can't get want you want (hahaha) joke mann . They still can understand you but it takes time. Its better to use korean language with Korean. Righttt?? I'm not that fluent person when comes to korean language. So here the dialog with the cashier (ohh thanks god I still remember this trip's dialog) :
Me: T-money kadeu dugae juseyo
Cashier: Nae, but this card didn't have any money in it. Would you want to reload these cards? (I already said, I'm not that fluent and the cashier talk way so fast you know! OMG. So here my answer)
Me: aniyo, gwenchanayo
Cashier: It's 14000 won. gamsahamnida
Me: nae, cheonmanieyo

So yeah we got our t-money but we need to reload these cards first before we can used it. No need to reload it too much. At that time, we just reload for 40 000won and it is estimated for 4 or 5 days trip by using subway only. Oh, I'm forgot to tell you. Since we're in backpacker trip so we fully used subway as our main transportation. We didn't planned to take any other transportation since most them are way to expensive such as taxi. Bus is our backup transportation. But for me, its kinda difficult as first timer because you need to know where your destination. Its so different than subway. For bus, there are no announcement for each destination. As I said, You need to know and search where your destination or you gonna sit in the bus until night. As for subway, they show you the route for each station that will be stop. For who already went to Korea, you must know there are more than eights subway line. You really need to make some research bout it. Which lines that bring you to the destination.

So this is Seoul subway lines. Way to hard if you don't learn how to understand it. Nahh, you no need to screenshot the map. Nowadays, there are alot of apps for Korean subway but you need to choose wisely and its better if it can functioning during offline since most of the time you won't get free wifi while walking. But don't worry they have free unlimited fucking fast wi-fi in each shop/cafe/restaurant. You just need to eat for awhile and you get to used that fast unlimited free wi-fi. I will tell you bout free wi-fi soon. Now I need to tell you which app that we used during our trip.

yeahh people. I used this app. Kinda easy and can used either offline or online. I tell you Google map can't functioning well there. I dunno why. So this app will help you. Don't worry, apple store also got this app (muahahahah)

Okey, done for subway maps and T-money. In Incheon airport there are two trains which are AREX and Seoul station train. AREX kinda exclusive and of course its a little bit expensive. They have waitress in there (no wonder its expensive). For backpacker, don't ever tried this train because you can't handle the price except if you really wanna try AREX and you got that money that specially for AREX then you can have it.  Mostly, for backpacker, they used Seoul train since its cheaper than AREX. We used Seoul train to go to our guesthouse. 

How to go to Seoul station in Incheon airport?
When I write 'IN' Incheon airport, that means its located inside the airport. Don't ever dare to go outside the airport. Okey guys, I have a funny (I think its funny) story. Before we arrived at Incheon airport. I already checked the temperature. It's 23C. So i though its not so cold like winter season since we went in spring season and it gonna have transition to summer season. We tho it's not that cold. Seriously! I didn't bought any thick clothes with me. Only my travel jacket which I just bought from H&M in my country. Specially for my first backpacker's trip. Back to Incheon airport, I saw  the signboard where the Seoul train located. I tho its shows outside of the airport. So we need to go outside and there was escalators there. Ok then, we walked outside. Know what, we got body shock with the temperature there. IT'S SO FUCKING COOOL! I tho there was aircond outside there. Then we ran inside the airport. At that time, we just realise where the signboard shown. Its shown the direction of the escalators. We need to take that escalators where the Seoul train located. Its on the airport's underground. OMG, I regret a little bit because I didn't brought any thick clothes. I wore 3 layer of clothes included my travel's jacket. On our first day arrived, I just wore thin bomber jacket. Yeah i tho its not that cold mann! Yess! we arrived at the Seoul station and way to go to our guesthouse. There are two station there. So you need to read the signboard where its go. At that time, if I'm not mistaken, both sides are for Seoul train because AREX was located at different sides. So, if one of the sides got train waiting the passenger ,you can walk in. Oh before you walk into the train station, make sure to touch your T-money first or you can't enter there (hahahahaa forgot bout this).

This is the T-money reload machine. Its located at each subway station. If you so shy to ask Korea cashier at any shop to help you reload the T-money, then you can use this. Don't worry bout the language. Its has English language. Just follow the instructions that will be given by the machine. Okey? any question can ask me! I'm willing to help you. OMG, the intro way to long. sorry guys. I got that Seoulsick because I miss Seoul's environment. You need to go there and you will feel the same. Will continue the DAY 1 soon.

annyeonghi gaseyo!

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