Thursday, August 17, 2017

K-pop news

Goodnight guys! Supposely I'm doing my project's reflection right now, but then I'm so stress so yeah lemme release my stress for a while. Today I'm planning to write bout Wanna One since they got 2nd win today. #WannaOne2ndWin. But I'm gonna write it in the next entry since this entry will full with my k-pop news explaination soon. I got a little bit k-pop news today so here some highlight of k-pop :

K-pop news
1) Jeong Sewoon had announced his solo debut!
2) TS Entertainment announced debut of new male group with 10 members this year.
3) Lee Gi Kwang unveils his first schedule for his 1st mini album.
4) Victon already released teaser images for 3rd mini album.
5) Momoland release teaser video for upcoming comeback.
6) BTS released another highlight reel for 'LOVE YOURSELF'.
7) NCT Dream comeback with 'We are young'.

So everyone knows who Jeong Sewoon right? ahaa he's the traineer from Starship. Talented guy also one of Wanna One's Jaehwan close friend. If you ever saw him in PD101S2, you can see he's vocal on point, the way he plays the guitar and also his performance in that program. After PD101S2 came to the end, he already make some performance either busking or with his sunbaenim (I saw him with Kihyun!) I can't wait for his solo debut. Hope all k-netz will give a good feedback after watch his debut. Let's hear Jeong Sewoon angelic voice once again here:

TS Entertainment is a company where B.A.P and Sonamoo  are there. Oh my god like suddenly I miss BAP alot. Before this I really rooting B.A.P when they make a comeback cuz all of their songs are so eargasm to me. But now, I dunno why, I'm not into B.A.P anymore. I'm tryna to love their songs but I can't. Urgh! what a sad confession I have (heheeh). I didn't know bout this new male group that will be debut under TS Entertainment, but I'm looking forward to them. Same as the Golden Child that will debut under same company with Infinite. I hope after they debuted, TS Ent. will not forgetting to promotes B.A.P oftenly as they still got a lot of fans out there. I read that the average age of this group is 15.9 year old. OMG! I'm become noona again!? Too many idol group that debuted in young age today. When I'm 15 year old, I'm still struggling to studying for one of my biggest exam at that time and still live my life like a Sandy the squirrel in Spongebob the Squarepants! Let's wait till TS Ent. reveals their face and I will write bout them again.

Highlight's Lee Gi Kwang had reveals his schedule for his 1st mini album. Yeaaa~ can't wait for this legend to perform on the stage. But this time, its solo. Not with other Highlight's members. Tbh, I'm curious how Highlight greet all k-pop group since Highlight is a rookie group (heheehh) How they greet idol group like BTS and EXO that debuted latter than them in Beast? yeay still curious till now. Comment below if you got some proof on how Highlight greet another k-pop idol who before these are hoobae to Beast but now, they are sunbae to Highlight (do you understand what I mean? cuz I think my sentences are too complicated. muahahaha). 

Sorry guys, I'm not gonna explain bout Victon since I don't have a lot of knowledge bout them and I'm not following their schedule. I'm gonna straight to Momoland teaser. Damnn! the teaser! guess what, Wanna One's Jaehwan is there people! I'm not planning to watched the teaser since me also not following Momoland. but the video is recommended by youtube in my youtube account. So I just clicked since I'm bored at that time. I didn't know Jaehwan is there. Omg he so flawless and the expression tho. Looks like charismatic Kim Jaehwan but at the same time my laughing burst and I can't bear to laugh cuz I dunno is it me feel like that expression can make as Jaehwan's meme? (aigoo can't forget that expression). To me this is good marketing by Momoland's company since Wanna One is on the fire right now. They make a good decision to hire Jaehwan in Momoland's music video. Momoland is one of underrated idol group (I think) since there are not too much news bout them. But I realize there is a member that soooo good looking and I ever read bout her that she is mix. Oh! I remember her name. It's Nancy! oh my god I still laughing like hell after watching this teaser again.

Move to the next story, BTS released another highlight reel for 'LOVE YOURSELF'. Oh god, I never understand whatever story and theory behind their MVs. Like seriously, why too complicated dear BTS? I never understand their MV cuz it so fucking complicated then my final practical exams. This time they release another thingy called 'LOVE YOURSELF'. I think this is the second MV right? since I already watched the first one. But still...I can't understand the story behind the music video. It makes my brain hurt and I never want to know the theory. I guess the ARMY is full with genius fans cuz they can reveal the theory correctly ...sometimes. Same goes to EXO-L. According to my friend, she said all BTS MVs are related to each other. OH MY GOD! THEN ITS STARTED FROM BOYS IN LOVE ERA? BTS gonna kill me with their theory chain or what? Okey let's stop debating bout theory thingy cuz I will have hypertension after this (hahahah).

Last but not least, NCT Dream has comeback with new title which known as 'We Are Young'. I'm not into NCT Dream cuz I dunno why. But I like their Chewing Gum's song cuz that song is so catchy. I more into NCT 127. NCT Dream is full of SM's flower boy. The visual tho. So different than other company. If you ask who is my bias in this group, I would like to say Mark cuz I really like him and his swaggggggg.

So I will end my entry till here, guys. I'm gonna write Wanna One bio after finishing my major project's reflection. Thanks for visiting my blog and read all of these! I'm appreciate this.

p/s: my reference for this k-pop news are from The Seoul Story

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