Sunday, August 27, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Behind The Scene of My Trip

Hi guys, As what I promise before this, I'm gonna share my experience and valuable trip to Korea. I went to Korea on April 23rd till April 29th. Basically, It's 7 days. I went there with my friend. Before I'm starting my story, let me tell you the story behind the scene. I watch a travel vlog on youtube about five best friend that go to Seoul together. Its has boosted my dream to go there. So, I really really want to go there with my friend. I told my friends bout this. But they just be like "ohoh? seriously? Ok, I'm in" then they laughing together. They promise to keep some of their allowances for our Korea trip. Ok then, I trust them. But not 100% only 45% since they think I just daydreaming bout this and I also to crazy bout S.Korea. One of my friend promise me to come to Korea together since she is k-popper just like me (hehehehe) I really hope she can accompany me to Seoul since I don't have anyone that I can trust except her at that time. We planned this trip in our Year 2 of Diploma study. Everytime we meet, we will discuss which place should we visit when we arrive there. I really excited and can't wait for it. Not me, but she also fucking excited! I can't imagine how we will live for 7 days in Seoul. Will we meet k-pop idols in subway or anywhere accidentally? So I just think bout Seoul and guess what, Its boost my study and get good result. With my good results, my parents allowed me to go there. Before my internship began, we already purchased the tickets for two people. Guess what guys, my other friend can't believe we will go to Seoul in April 2017. I just laughed and be like 'Nahh its your fault hooman, I already told you bout this. We also didn't expect that our trip to Seoul will come true. With purchasing the tickets so the percentage to arrive there is 85%. Then, we always count how many days till our precious day will come. We always chat together and still discuss which places that we need to go since its the only trip and I dunno when I will arrive Seoul again. So, I wanna go to all places in Seoul as many as I can. 
After our internship finished, we got the practical exams for a week. Then we need to do project presentation. After that.... we're FREEE! I'm officially completed my diploma study at that time. So, the day just around the corner. Can't wait for it. I learn korean language which I never learn during my study years. I surveyed the road and places that we will go. We booking the hostel which is the owner is a Malaysian. So I hope they will help us if we have any problem in Seoul later. The hostel is suitable for people who doing backpacker trip to Korea. We didn't hire any tour guide since both of us really know Korean language well. At this point, we can cut the budget to hire the tour guide. Before go to Seoul or anywhere thru backpacker style, make sure you survey and find complete information bout the places that you want to visit. 

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