Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Intro

p/s: Some of the photos are not mine.

So for our day 1 of course departed from airport to Incheon airport (heheheh). I'm Malaysian so I departed from KLIA2  at 1am. Yeah guys, Its so fucking sleepy. We didn't booked for hot seats eventho the flight duration to arrived Incheon airport is 6 hours. 6 HOURS GUYS! So exhausted like hell. I'm so excited and can't wait to walk on South Korea land for the first time. But before that I need to bear for 6 hours (uuuu) I'm so sleepy but can't sleep because excited and hungry but I didn't felt like to eat anythin. Oh I'm forgot to tell you. I'm flew with Air Asia (Now Everyone Can Fly) hahahah its their trademark tho.

At 7am, we were arrived at Incheon airport. We hold hands together because we can't believe our eyes right now. SERIOUSLY?! ITS SOUTH KOREA? THE COUNTRY THAT WE ALWAYS WATCHING THRU TV AND INTERNET? I feel like want to cry at that time. Its not crying because I wanted to go home. But I want to cry because I can unlocked one of my life goals. OMG! fucking excited and cannot wait to explore Seoul for these 7 days.

As we arrived at the airport, we didn't familiar with the high-tech that they used and also the signboard. OMG, now I see signboard in korean and english language. So funny at that time. We passed the immigration so the first thing that we need to do is to get the T-money. Yeah, guys, now you need to apply your korean language or you can't get want you want (hahaha) joke mann . They still can understand you but it takes time. Its better to use korean language with Korean. Righttt?? I'm not that fluent person when comes to korean language. So here the dialog with the cashier (ohh thanks god I still remember this trip's dialog) :
Me: T-money kadeu dugae juseyo
Cashier: Nae, but this card didn't have any money in it. Would you want to reload these cards? (I already said, I'm not that fluent and the cashier talk way so fast you know! OMG. So here my answer)
Me: aniyo, gwenchanayo
Cashier: It's 14000 won. gamsahamnida
Me: nae, cheonmanieyo

So yeah we got our t-money but we need to reload these cards first before we can used it. No need to reload it too much. At that time, we just reload for 40 000won and it is estimated for 4 or 5 days trip by using subway only. Oh, I'm forgot to tell you. Since we're in backpacker trip so we fully used subway as our main transportation. We didn't planned to take any other transportation since most them are way to expensive such as taxi. Bus is our backup transportation. But for me, its kinda difficult as first timer because you need to know where your destination. Its so different than subway. For bus, there are no announcement for each destination. As I said, You need to know and search where your destination or you gonna sit in the bus until night. As for subway, they show you the route for each station that will be stop. For who already went to Korea, you must know there are more than eights subway line. You really need to make some research bout it. Which lines that bring you to the destination.

So this is Seoul subway lines. Way to hard if you don't learn how to understand it. Nahh, you no need to screenshot the map. Nowadays, there are alot of apps for Korean subway but you need to choose wisely and its better if it can functioning during offline since most of the time you won't get free wifi while walking. But don't worry they have free unlimited fucking fast wi-fi in each shop/cafe/restaurant. You just need to eat for awhile and you get to used that fast unlimited free wi-fi. I will tell you bout free wi-fi soon. Now I need to tell you which app that we used during our trip.

yeahh people. I used this app. Kinda easy and can used either offline or online. I tell you Google map can't functioning well there. I dunno why. So this app will help you. Don't worry, apple store also got this app (muahahahah)

Okey, done for subway maps and T-money. In Incheon airport there are two trains which are AREX and Seoul station train. AREX kinda exclusive and of course its a little bit expensive. They have waitress in there (no wonder its expensive). For backpacker, don't ever tried this train because you can't handle the price except if you really wanna try AREX and you got that money that specially for AREX then you can have it.  Mostly, for backpacker, they used Seoul train since its cheaper than AREX. We used Seoul train to go to our guesthouse. 

How to go to Seoul station in Incheon airport?
When I write 'IN' Incheon airport, that means its located inside the airport. Don't ever dare to go outside the airport. Okey guys, I have a funny (I think its funny) story. Before we arrived at Incheon airport. I already checked the temperature. It's 23C. So i though its not so cold like winter season since we went in spring season and it gonna have transition to summer season. We tho it's not that cold. Seriously! I didn't bought any thick clothes with me. Only my travel jacket which I just bought from H&M in my country. Specially for my first backpacker's trip. Back to Incheon airport, I saw  the signboard where the Seoul train located. I tho its shows outside of the airport. So we need to go outside and there was escalators there. Ok then, we walked outside. Know what, we got body shock with the temperature there. IT'S SO FUCKING COOOL! I tho there was aircond outside there. Then we ran inside the airport. At that time, we just realise where the signboard shown. Its shown the direction of the escalators. We need to take that escalators where the Seoul train located. Its on the airport's underground. OMG, I regret a little bit because I didn't brought any thick clothes. I wore 3 layer of clothes included my travel's jacket. On our first day arrived, I just wore thin bomber jacket. Yeah i tho its not that cold mann! Yess! we arrived at the Seoul station and way to go to our guesthouse. There are two station there. So you need to read the signboard where its go. At that time, if I'm not mistaken, both sides are for Seoul train because AREX was located at different sides. So, if one of the sides got train waiting the passenger ,you can walk in. Oh before you walk into the train station, make sure to touch your T-money first or you can't enter there (hahahahaa forgot bout this).

This is the T-money reload machine. Its located at each subway station. If you so shy to ask Korea cashier at any shop to help you reload the T-money, then you can use this. Don't worry bout the language. Its has English language. Just follow the instructions that will be given by the machine. Okey? any question can ask me! I'm willing to help you. OMG, the intro way to long. sorry guys. I got that Seoulsick because I miss Seoul's environment. You need to go there and you will feel the same. Will continue the DAY 1 soon.

annyeonghi gaseyo!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Behind The Scene of My Trip

Hi guys, As what I promise before this, I'm gonna share my experience and valuable trip to Korea. I went to Korea on April 23rd till April 29th. Basically, It's 7 days. I went there with my friend. Before I'm starting my story, let me tell you the story behind the scene. I watch a travel vlog on youtube about five best friend that go to Seoul together. Its has boosted my dream to go there. So, I really really want to go there with my friend. I told my friends bout this. But they just be like "ohoh? seriously? Ok, I'm in" then they laughing together. They promise to keep some of their allowances for our Korea trip. Ok then, I trust them. But not 100% only 45% since they think I just daydreaming bout this and I also to crazy bout S.Korea. One of my friend promise me to come to Korea together since she is k-popper just like me (hehehehe) I really hope she can accompany me to Seoul since I don't have anyone that I can trust except her at that time. We planned this trip in our Year 2 of Diploma study. Everytime we meet, we will discuss which place should we visit when we arrive there. I really excited and can't wait for it. Not me, but she also fucking excited! I can't imagine how we will live for 7 days in Seoul. Will we meet k-pop idols in subway or anywhere accidentally? So I just think bout Seoul and guess what, Its boost my study and get good result. With my good results, my parents allowed me to go there. Before my internship began, we already purchased the tickets for two people. Guess what guys, my other friend can't believe we will go to Seoul in April 2017. I just laughed and be like 'Nahh its your fault hooman, I already told you bout this. We also didn't expect that our trip to Seoul will come true. With purchasing the tickets so the percentage to arrive there is 85%. Then, we always count how many days till our precious day will come. We always chat together and still discuss which places that we need to go since its the only trip and I dunno when I will arrive Seoul again. So, I wanna go to all places in Seoul as many as I can. 
After our internship finished, we got the practical exams for a week. Then we need to do project presentation. After that.... we're FREEE! I'm officially completed my diploma study at that time. So, the day just around the corner. Can't wait for it. I learn korean language which I never learn during my study years. I surveyed the road and places that we will go. We booking the hostel which is the owner is a Malaysian. So I hope they will help us if we have any problem in Seoul later. The hostel is suitable for people who doing backpacker trip to Korea. We didn't hire any tour guide since both of us really know Korean language well. At this point, we can cut the budget to hire the tour guide. Before go to Seoul or anywhere thru backpacker style, make sure you survey and find complete information bout the places that you want to visit. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Kinda miss Seoul so much!

I'm planning to write my travel to Seoul last April. Oh man, I'm so into Seoul and I didn't want to departed from Seoul. I really really (sing Winner's Really Really) love and miss Seoul. Its not because I'm into k-pop things so thats why I love live there eventho just a week. I will write bout it soon!

K-pop news

1) 'Mischievous Detective' poster feat. Yoon Seonho, Kim Nam Joo and Ahn Hyungseob
Omg! I can't wait for this!

2) #WannaOne9thWin #Energetic9thWin 

3) Heo Youngji released Memory Clock MV. Check this out!

4) MXM releases concept photo of Im Young Min for their first mini album.<UNMIX> on September 6

5) Lee Jun Ki and  Jeon Hye Bin reportedly have broken up due to busy schedule.

6) Nana confirmed to join Park Hae Jin in drama 'Four Men' as female lead, will airing in first half of 2018
Another high expectation drama from me cuz its Park Hae Jin!

Credits to : The Seoul Story

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

K-pop news

I just finished posted Wanna One facts. Supposely I post that facts yesterday. But my mom called me to go back to my hometown as soon as my final exam finished. I arrived here at 11pm. Yeahh I'm totally blackout cuz tooo exhausted and have diarrhea on that day. I visited toilet for 10th times guys! So fucking tired and dehydration. So here some news that I got for today. 

1) Teaser from Golden Child.
- yeah guys, another boygroup under Woollim Entertainment will debut soon. I won't write to long for this boygroup soon to debut cuz I dun have any knowledge bout them. So lets enjoy the teaser. Boiii they're so visual

2) Victon releases funky 2nd MV teaser for upcoming comeback.
 I know them but once again not have good knowledge bout them. You can comment below if you got anything bout Viction. It's such an appreaciation if you can teach me bout them!

3) Gikwang reveals additional teaser clip for his solo return 'ONE'
Another high expectation comeback from me (heheeh) I hope he will be the best not in the group but in solo career too. Woww! Gikwang in choker. So ELEGANT! sorry guys, I already watch the teasers so I'm a little bit shocked with Gikwang appearance in the teaser. Can't wait the official mv to come out.

4) Wanna One claimed another winning in The Show today. #Energetic6thwin #WannaOne6thwin
Yeayyy congrats guys! can't wait for another comeback from Wanna One. I think they're the fastest rookie group that be a champion after several days debut? no? hmm okey. (heheeh), Click there. I think this is already recorded performance. Anyway, such a sexy performance from them (hahahahah)

5) MXM unveils album artwork for their 1st mini album <UNIMIX> scheduled for release on Sept 6.

6) Momoland released Freeze MV with special appearance of Wanna One Jaehwan!
woooo! I never watched Momoland previous song, but this song so catchy. I will considered to put this song into my playlist later. Also, Kim jaehwan wowww such a diva in here.

Credit to: The Seoul Story

Wanna One facts

(1st row: Minhyun, Guanlin, Jaehwan, Woojin, Jinyoung, Jisung)
(2nd row: Seongwoo, Daehwi, Daniel, Jihoon,Sungwoon)

So here, what I have promise...
1) Jisung

Name: Yoon Ji Sung (윤지성)
Stage name:Jisung
Nickname: eomma, ahjumma
Age: 26 (international), 27 (korean age) 
Nationality: Korean
Position: Leader, vocal
Birthday: March 8, 1991
Weight:63 kg
Blood type: B
Company: MMO Entertainment.
  • Jisung is ranked 8th in the final round Produce 101 with total vote of 902,098.
  • Training period : 5 years and  3 months.
  • Education: National Traditional Arts High School, Myungji College of Drama and Visual Communication.
  • Hobbirs: watching animal videos, going to the zoo.
  • He and Kang Daniel made it into the top 11.
  • Produce 101 performance : 2PM- 10 Out of 10, I.O.I, Downpour, It's Show Time and Hands on Me.
  • Has younger sister.
  • He is a former trainees of B2M Entertainmenr with Kang Daniel.
  • After 3 failed debuts, Jisung can debut with Wanna One.
  • The creator of 'Jisung Clap'.
  • Appeard on The Return of Superman (2017) with Jihoon, Seongwoo, and Daniel.
2) Sungwoon

Name: Ha Sung Woon (하 성운)
Stage name: Sungwoon
Nickname: Real man, Cloud
Age: 23 (international), 24 (korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Main vocal
Birthday: March 22, 1994
Weight: 57kg
Height: 168cm
Blood type: A
Company: Star Crew Entertainment.
  • One of HOTSHOT's member and the last one to join them.
  • In 2010, he auditioned for JYP Entertainment.
  • ranked 11th in the final round of PD101S2 and got a total vote of 790,302.
  • PD101S2 performance: BTS- Boys In Luv, I.O.I- Downpour, It's Showtime, and Super Hot.
  • Be a center for Super Hot.
  • Education: DongAh Broadcasting High School.
  • Favourite food: pizza, burgers.
  • Favourite sport: swimming and soccer.
  • Happy period: during fanmeeting.
  • The hardest time: pre-debut
  • Language: Korean(fluent), Chinese and Japanese (Basic).
  • Close friends: Taemin (SHINee), Suga and Jimin (BTS), Kai (EXO), Ravi (VIXX), Kihyun (MONSTA X).
  • Can imitate Spongebob.
  • Wants collaborate with IU.
3) Minhyun
Name: Hwang Min Hyun (황민현)
Stage name: Minhyun
Nickname: Busan boy, Shanghai Boy, Minnie Optimus, Hwang Beauty, Hwang-producer
Age: 22 (International), 23 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Lead vocal
Birthday: August 9, 1995
Weight: 67kg
Height: 181cm
Blood type: O
Company: Pledis Entertainment
  • Was born in Busan.
  • has a sister (Sujin).
  • Languages: korean (fluent), japanese (fluent), english (basic), mandarin (basic)
  • Training since 2010.
  • One of Nu'est member.
  • Second last member of Nu'est to join Pledis Entertainment.
  • Appeared in Orange Caramel's "Shanghai Romance" MV.
  • The highest in Nu'est.
  • Most lazy toothbrush after waking up.
  • Favourite color: black.
  • Favourite groups: Big Bang and TVXQ.
  • Favourite artist: One Direction.
  • Anxious to meet Eric Benet.
  • He is the 'Visual' of Nu'est. (but he said he did not think he was more handsome than the other members and didn't feel worthy of being a visual in the group.
  • The cleanest Nu'est member.
  • He said he does not just want to be a singer and dancer only. He wants to be an actor and MC, he says he wants to participate in a drama.
  • He befriends Kyulkyung, Eunwoo and Nayoung from PRISTIN, f(x) Amber, MYNAME Chaejin, Ailee, GOT7 Mark and Minwoo, Kwangmin and Youngmin from BOYFRIEND.
  • He thinks he is very ugly as a child.
  • Before debut, he has never dated or kissed a woman. 
  • Ideal type: f(x) Victoria.
  • Favourite movie: Iron man and Transformer.
  • Role model: Kim Junsu.
  • Hobbies: clean up, watch movies, read, listen to music and sing.
  • Expertise: lyrics, composition, japan, piano.
  • he is bad in cooking.
  • Favourite song: Narsha 'I'm In Love' and Big Bang 'Haru Haru'.
  • Favourite song on Nu'est: face.
  • He wants to get married at 32 year old.
  • Minhyun ranked 9th in PD101S2 with total votes 862,719.
  • Training period: 6 years and 3 months.
  • PD101S2 performance: team Sorry Sorry, I.O.I- Downpour, Never and Hands on me.
4) Seongwoo.

Name: Ong Seong Woo (옹 성우)
Stage name: Seongwoo
Nickname: Ong-Chungi (Ong-Dummy)
Age: 22 (International), 23 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Sub-vocal, main dancer
Birthday: August 25, 1995
Height: 179cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood type: A
Company: Fantagio
  • had starred in a short film produced by his own agency.
  • In final round PD101S2, he is ranked 5th with total vote of 984,756.
  • Training period: 8 months.
  • Expertise: drum popping, can fold both ears.
  • Hobbies: turn on the music and dance without thinking.
  • Education: Incheon Seolil Middle School, Hanlim Multi Art School, Dongsoul University.
  • Religion: Protestant.
  • the most funniest members.
  • PD101S2 performance: team Sorry Sorry, Jason Derulo- Get Ugly, Never, Hands on me.
  • He is similar to actor Kim Moo Yul.
  • He became a guest on The return of Superman (KBS 2017) with Daniel, Jisung, Jihoon.
  • Appeared on Happy Together with Jihoon, Minhyun and Jisung.
5) Jae Hwan

Name:Kim Jae Hwan (김재환)
Stage name: Jaehwan
Nickname: Vi-sho (shortform of visual shock), Suneolbangum (innocent face with explosive visuals)
Age: 21 (International), 22 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Main vocal
Birthday: May 27, 1996
Height: 175cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood type: O
Company: CJ E&M
  • The only independent trainee who made it into the top 11.
  • In final round PD101S2, he was ranked 4th with total vote of 1,051,735.
  • Training period: 4 years and 2 months.
  • Hobbies: eating.
  • Expertise: playing guitar.
  • Religion: catholic.
  • Education: Bulseye Elementary School, Samjeong Junior, Konghang High School, Howon                           University.
  • A former trainee of Music Works (MYTEEN, Baek Ji Young, Kim So Hee, Gong Min Ji)
  • Appeared in Korea's Got Talent season 2 and made it to the Semi Final.
  • Appeared on God's voice (SBS)
  • Favourite color: blue.
  • He once said that he did not expect to be in the top 11 because he don't have agency.
  • He can rap. He showed during the recording of the song 'Never'.
  • One of his dreams is buy a home for his parents.
6) Kang Daniel

Name: Kang Eui Geon (강의 건)
Stage name: Kang Daniel (강 다니엘)
Nickname: God Daniel, Harry Pote, King D, Kang Daddy, Peach.
Age: 21 (International), 22 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Birthday: December 10, 1996
Position: Center, Sub-vocal, Sub-rapper, main dancer.
Height: 180cm
Weight: 67kg
Blood type: A
Company: MMO Entertainment.
  • Education: Hyeon Junior High School, Pneil Arts High School.
  • Can speak English.
  • Hobbies: scaring people, skateboard riding
  • Expertise: B-boying.
  • If he nervous, his Busan dialect will come out.
  • He training for 2 years and 1 month before performing on PD101S2.
  • In final round PD101S2, he was ranked first with total vote 1,578,837.
  • PD101S2 performance: team Sorry Sorry, Jason Derulo-Get ugly, Knock, Hands on me.
  • Has been b-boying since he was a junior.
  • His Fansclub is Peacn. The name is taken because it is similar to the emoticons in Kakao Talk.
  • Has competed dancing Busan City Kids along with Park Woo Jin and Jimin (BTS) organized by Just Dance in 2011.
  • Decided to change his real name because the pronunciation was a bit difficult. He changed his name to Kang Daniel when he studied in Canada.
  • A cat lover. He raised 2 kittens. The first name Rooney, who was taken from the name of his favourite player (Wayne Rooney). The second name Peter, taken from the main character Spiderman. However, both of Kang Daniel's cats are female.
  • According to Jisung, he likes to make weird sounds when sleeping.
  • He was the one who created the choreography 'Hands on me'.
  • On June 1,2017, fancafe Kang Daniel announced donatiing 2.5m won to Korean cat protection organization.
  • Allergic to shellfish.
  • He calls Jisung 'omma'.
  • An active player of League of Legend.
  • He be a guest on The Return of Superman (KBS 2017) with Jisung, Seongwu, and Jihoon.
  • Appeared on the Happy Together (KBS 2017) with Seongwoo, Jisung, Jihoon and Minhyun.
  • When smiling, Daniel similar to Sungjae BtoB and Suga BTS.
7) Jihoon
Name: Park Ji Hoon (박지훈)
Stage name: Jihoon
Nickname: Wink boy, Wingdongie, Parkjwi, Jigoo, Park Jeojang
Age: 18 (International), 19 (korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: sub-vocals, lead dancer, sub-rapper.
Birthday: May 29, 1999
Height: 173cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood type: AB
Company: Maroo Entertainment.
  • Training for 1 years and 9 months before joining PD101S2.
  • A former trainee of Fantagio Entertainment and SM Entertainment.
  • Hobbies: playing video games.
  • Expertise: popping and beatboxing, good in act crying.
  • He has and older brother.
  • Education: Seoul Donggyo Elementary School, National Tradtional Arts Middle School Music Theater, Seoul School of Performing Arts.
  • Gained popularity since join PD101S2.
  • Role model: BTS.
  • He was ranked first in the first 3 weeks of PD101S2.
  • The only trainee on PD101S2 who gets more than 1 million votes (before final).
  • As a child actor, he has appeared on tv show known as Idol World which guest star is Big Bang. He was told to cry acting to make the members of Big Bang confused.
  • Don't like broccoli.
  • Close to NCT Mark.
  • PD101S2 performance: BTS-Boy in luv, Jason Derulo-Get Ugly, Oh Little Girl, Hands on me.
  • Was ranked 2nd in final round PD101S2 with a total vote 1,136 014.
  • Guest in Happy Together (KBS 2017) with Seongwoo, Jisung, Daniel and Minhyun.
  • Shown in Let's Eat Dinner Together along with Daniel.
  • Shown in The Return Of Superman (KBS 2017) with Daniel, Seongwoo and Jisung.
  • His partner in Wanna One Go! is Lai Guanlin.
8) Park Woo Jin

Name: Park Woo Jin (박우진)
Stage name: Woojin
Nickname: Sparrow, SebaOhla, Snaggletooth boy.
Age: 18 (International), 19 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: main rapper, lead dancer.
Birthday: November 2, 1999
Height: 174cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood type: A
Company: Brand New Music
  • Was born in Busan.
  • Education: Dadae School, Busandong Middle School, Korea Arts High School.
  • He was ranked 6th in final PD101S2 with total vote 973 379
  • Previously he was ranked 75th.
  • He has been training at JYP Entertainment in 2015.
  • He moved to Brand New Music in early 2016.
  • Training period: 1 year and 2 months.
  • Hobbies: basketball, volleyball and football.
  • Expertise: B-boying, urban dance, popping.
  • He has a sister.
  • When he was 11 years old, Park Woojin had participated in Superstar K
  • Together with Daniel and Jimin (BTS), Woojin participated in a dancing competition titled ;Busan City Kids hosted by Just Dance in 2011.
  • PD101S2 performance: 2pm- 10 out of 10, Jason Derulo- Get Ugly, Never, Hands on me.
9) Bae Jinyoung

Name: Bae Jin Young (배진영)
Stage name: Jinyoung
Nickname: Baejin, Little Wolf, Deep dark.
Age: 17 (International), 18 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Position: sub vocal
Height: 177cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood type: B
Company: C9 Entertainment.
  • He was ranked 10th in final round PD101S2 with a total vote 807 749.
  • Training period: 10 months.
  • Hobbies: listening to music, singing.
  • Expertise: football, skiing.
  • He has a younger brother and a younger sister.
  • Education: Billing Elementary School, Daigong Middle School, Lira Art High School, Digital                     Sound Contents Department.
  • He is very close to Lee DaeHwi.
  • He is allergic to shrimp.
  • He has a rather bad vision.
  • PD101S2 performance: BTS-Boy In Luv, BTS-Spring Day, Oh Little Girl, Hands on me.

10)  Lee Dae Hwi.

Name: Lee Dae Hwi (이대휘)
Stage name: Daehwi
Nickname: Meorangdoogie
Age: 16 (international), 17 (Korean)
Nationality: Korean
Birthday: January 29, 2001
Position: Lead vocal
Height: 172cm
Weight: 54kg
Blood type: A
Company: Brand New Music
  • He became famous for performing as a center when promoting the theme song of PD101S2 song 'It's Me'.
  • He wan ranked 3rd in final round PD101S2 with total votes 1 102 005.
  • Lived and studied in California for 6 years.
  • He returned to Korea after being accepted by JYP in a global audition.
  • He is a former trainee JYP Entertainment.
  • Training period: 2 years 2 months.
  • Education: Cheongdam Middle School, Cheongdam High School.
  • Language: korean and english
  • Expertise: piano, composition, lyrics.
  • He revealed that his english name is David.
  • He is very close with Jeon Somi.
  • He is the best in cooking. It's said during V Live broadcast.
  • He helped Samuel in making choreography for PD101S2 final song 'Super Hot'.
  • PD101S2 performance: BTS- boy in luv, Blackpink- playing with fire, Never, Super Hot.
  • Daehwi's father had passed away.
  • He is the person who gives the name 'Wannables' to be chosen as the Wanna One fandom name.
  • He is afraid of insects.
  • One of the songwriters of MXM's debut single.
11) Lai Guanlin
Name: Lai Guanlin (賴冠霖 / 라 이관린)
Stage name: Guanlin
Nickname: byeongari, Linlin, Gulliver maknae
Age: 16 (international), 17 (korean)
Nationality: Taiwan
Position: maknae, lead rapper
Birthday: September 23, 2001
Height: 183cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood type: O
Company: CUBE Entertainment
  • he was born in Taipe, Taiwan
  • Language: mandarin, korea, english
  • He was ranked 7th in final round PD101S2 with total vote 905 875
  • He is the only Wanna One member who is not from South Korea.
  • Training period: 6 months.
  • Hobbies: Listening to music, dancing
  • Education: Li Yuan Elementary School, Lin Hankou Middle School.
  • Role Model: Pentagon Wooseok
  • The highest and youngest member in Wanna One.
  • Was referred as byeongari with Yoo Seonho during PD101S2.
  • PD101S2 performance: BTS- boy in luv, Mino- fear, Never, Super hot.
  • In a newspaper in Taiwan, Lai Guanlin is regarded as the second Tzuyu. 
  • He can play the piano.
credits to: Mr. Kpop.com

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Final Exam's mood

Hi guys, sorry to tell you that I won't update my blog right now because I need to do some preparation for my final exam for this semester in this upcoming Monday. I will write Wanna One's facts as I'm promise in previous entry on Monday night. Joesonghamnida!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

K-pop news

Goodnight guys! Supposely I'm doing my project's reflection right now, but then I'm so stress so yeah lemme release my stress for a while. Today I'm planning to write bout Wanna One since they got 2nd win today. #WannaOne2ndWin. But I'm gonna write it in the next entry since this entry will full with my k-pop news explaination soon. I got a little bit k-pop news today so here some highlight of k-pop :

K-pop news
1) Jeong Sewoon had announced his solo debut!
2) TS Entertainment announced debut of new male group with 10 members this year.
3) Lee Gi Kwang unveils his first schedule for his 1st mini album.
4) Victon already released teaser images for 3rd mini album.
5) Momoland release teaser video for upcoming comeback.
6) BTS released another highlight reel for 'LOVE YOURSELF'.
7) NCT Dream comeback with 'We are young'.

So everyone knows who Jeong Sewoon right? ahaa he's the traineer from Starship. Talented guy also one of Wanna One's Jaehwan close friend. If you ever saw him in PD101S2, you can see he's vocal on point, the way he plays the guitar and also his performance in that program. After PD101S2 came to the end, he already make some performance either busking or with his sunbaenim (I saw him with Kihyun!) I can't wait for his solo debut. Hope all k-netz will give a good feedback after watch his debut. Let's hear Jeong Sewoon angelic voice once again here:

TS Entertainment is a company where B.A.P and Sonamoo  are there. Oh my god like suddenly I miss BAP alot. Before this I really rooting B.A.P when they make a comeback cuz all of their songs are so eargasm to me. But now, I dunno why, I'm not into B.A.P anymore. I'm tryna to love their songs but I can't. Urgh! what a sad confession I have (heheeh). I didn't know bout this new male group that will be debut under TS Entertainment, but I'm looking forward to them. Same as the Golden Child that will debut under same company with Infinite. I hope after they debuted, TS Ent. will not forgetting to promotes B.A.P oftenly as they still got a lot of fans out there. I read that the average age of this group is 15.9 year old. OMG! I'm become noona again!? Too many idol group that debuted in young age today. When I'm 15 year old, I'm still struggling to studying for one of my biggest exam at that time and still live my life like a Sandy the squirrel in Spongebob the Squarepants! Let's wait till TS Ent. reveals their face and I will write bout them again.

Highlight's Lee Gi Kwang had reveals his schedule for his 1st mini album. Yeaaa~ can't wait for this legend to perform on the stage. But this time, its solo. Not with other Highlight's members. Tbh, I'm curious how Highlight greet all k-pop group since Highlight is a rookie group (heheehh) How they greet idol group like BTS and EXO that debuted latter than them in Beast? yeay still curious till now. Comment below if you got some proof on how Highlight greet another k-pop idol who before these are hoobae to Beast but now, they are sunbae to Highlight (do you understand what I mean? cuz I think my sentences are too complicated. muahahaha). 

Sorry guys, I'm not gonna explain bout Victon since I don't have a lot of knowledge bout them and I'm not following their schedule. I'm gonna straight to Momoland teaser. Damnn! the teaser! guess what, Wanna One's Jaehwan is there people! I'm not planning to watched the teaser since me also not following Momoland. but the video is recommended by youtube in my youtube account. So I just clicked since I'm bored at that time. I didn't know Jaehwan is there. Omg he so flawless and the expression tho. Looks like charismatic Kim Jaehwan but at the same time my laughing burst and I can't bear to laugh cuz I dunno is it me feel like that expression can make as Jaehwan's meme? (aigoo can't forget that expression). To me this is good marketing by Momoland's company since Wanna One is on the fire right now. They make a good decision to hire Jaehwan in Momoland's music video. Momoland is one of underrated idol group (I think) since there are not too much news bout them. But I realize there is a member that soooo good looking and I ever read bout her that she is mix. Oh! I remember her name. It's Nancy! oh my god I still laughing like hell after watching this teaser again.

Move to the next story, BTS released another highlight reel for 'LOVE YOURSELF'. Oh god, I never understand whatever story and theory behind their MVs. Like seriously, why too complicated dear BTS? I never understand their MV cuz it so fucking complicated then my final practical exams. This time they release another thingy called 'LOVE YOURSELF'. I think this is the second MV right? since I already watched the first one. But still...I can't understand the story behind the music video. It makes my brain hurt and I never want to know the theory. I guess the ARMY is full with genius fans cuz they can reveal the theory correctly ...sometimes. Same goes to EXO-L. According to my friend, she said all BTS MVs are related to each other. OH MY GOD! THEN ITS STARTED FROM BOYS IN LOVE ERA? BTS gonna kill me with their theory chain or what? Okey let's stop debating bout theory thingy cuz I will have hypertension after this (hahahah).

Last but not least, NCT Dream has comeback with new title which known as 'We Are Young'. I'm not into NCT Dream cuz I dunno why. But I like their Chewing Gum's song cuz that song is so catchy. I more into NCT 127. NCT Dream is full of SM's flower boy. The visual tho. So different than other company. If you ask who is my bias in this group, I would like to say Mark cuz I really like him and his swaggggggg.

So I will end my entry till here, guys. I'm gonna write Wanna One bio after finishing my major project's reflection. Thanks for visiting my blog and read all of these! I'm appreciate this.

p/s: my reference for this k-pop news are from The Seoul Story

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Hi guys, happy Thursday night and I'm just finished my major project report for one of my subject this semester. I'm gonna have my final exam for this sem on August 21st 2017. Yeayy! ready to fangirling during semester break! 

K-pop news
1) Wanna One won on Show Champion! #WannaOne1stwin.
2) Taeyang's comeback!
3) RAINZ (Produce 101 S2 traineers) preparing to debut.
4) JBJ (Produce 101 S2 trainners) preparing to debut.

Congratulations to Wanna One! finally y'all got that trophy. Hope they will get more and more trophy in all music broadcast. have you watched the performance? here click on the link below:

Show Champion EP.241Wanna One - Energetic [워너원 - 에너제틱]

you know what, when they finished the speech, I saw Samuel with them! then I saw Hoeseung behind them! OMG my Produce 101 S2 fangirl is on the peak right now. This is happiness, guys. I hope Woojin also there to greet Daniel. Can I say this is reunion of Produce 101 S2? (heheheh). To be honest, I'm more to Burn it up better than Energetic because that song is so lit. Especially Park Woojin's part. 

Show Champion EP.241 Wanna One - Burn it up [워너원 - 활활]

Okey whose VIP here? Have you watch Taeyang music videos? Me? not yet cuz I'm too busy right now. I will watch it after this. Lemme share the video to you. 


So basically he released three MVs including the intro. It's such a good and sweet songs. Different than GD's songs. All GD's songs are lit af. That's why I'm more to GD than Taeyang. But I still love Taeyang songs cuz it can makes me calm and also be my lullaby before I'm go to dreamland. Anyway, welcome back, Taeyang ! Let's rock your comeback.

I dunno why this season of PD101 got many attention from k-netz. Because of k-netz two units from PD101's trainners will be debut. I only knew bout JBJ but then when I'm watching some Samuel's videos on youtube, I saw new group from PD101S2 traineers is preparing for debut next month.  RAINZ will have 6 members which are Kim Seonglee, Song Seunghyuk, Lee Kiwon, Hong Eunki and Jung Wontak. Tbh, I'm only know Seunghyuk, Seonglee and Eunki since the cameramen of PD101S2 always show them either during performance or practice infront the camera. I hope they will do well after debut. In other hand, JBJ which is another fanmade idol group will be debut next month. Oh! we have another one and half weeks before August end! Can't wait for it! Some of you might know the members of JBJ but some of them dunno. So here the line up of JBJ : Noh Taehyun, Kim Dong Han (my  another favourite dancer in PD101S2), Kim Tae Dong (I'm not sure either he will join the JBJ or not since there is some issues bout him with the company), Takada Kenta (he deserves to debut, guys!), Kim Sang Gyun and Kim Yong Guk. I don't know alot bout them since they're not debut yet. So if you're curious what is the meaning of JBJ is? here the answer : 
JBJ: Just Be Joyful.
Also The Boyz which is one of the members is Joo Hakyeon also will debut soon. Gurlll! did you already watched the line up of this group. ALL OF THEM VISUAL!  Here guys, I'm showering you with The Boyz's killer visual.

Sooo that's all for today. I need to leave right now since my final exam is around the corner. I need to do my revision. Thank you and goodbye!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Congrats For Your Debut 2.0

Okey guys, Lets continue yesterday's post.

3) Longguo & Sihyun

Do you know who is Longguo? Longguo a.k.a Yongguk is one of Produce 101 S2 contestant along with Sihyun. Yongguk is a half Chinese and half Korean. To be honest I'm not noticed Sihyun but I'm noticed Yongguk with his sweet voice. Still remember one of Yongguk performance in Produce 101 S2 that make all women melted? 
Here the performance:

PRODUCE 101 season2 [단독/6회] '애절 보이스 4인방' 퐁듀맨스ㅣ정승환 ♬너였다면 @포지션 평가 170512 EP.6

They debuted on July 31st 2017 with The The The. Trust me guys, you gonna falling in love with Yongguk because he looks like vampire! So handsome!

 LONGGUO &SHIHYUN (용국&시현) _ the.the.the

4) Lee Woojin

If you Produce 101 S2 lover, you'll know about this cute youngest contestant. Yes, his name is Lee Woojin. The cutie maknae! I wish I can keep him in the pocket (heheheh) This is not his first debut. Its more like his official debut with The EastLight. He ever performed with The EastLight before joined Produce 101 S2. He got that beautiful voice that can make my brain freeze (its my metaphore guys. hahahaha). Check out their new comeback here:

 TheEastLight.(더 이스트라이트) - I Got You

Before this new song come out, Lee Woojin and Jeon Sagang have a new song which known as 'Love Is...'

이우진 , 정사강 (LeeWooJin , JeongSaGang) - 사랑은.....(Love is.....)

Lets support The Eastlight and make them won once! Trust me, you won't regret if you stan talent.

5) MXM (Brand New Boys)

MXM consist of Donghyun and Youngmin . Until now, I never see their live performance  in any music broadcast. They sang a song known as 'Good Day'. I hope Daehwi will join these boys after Wanna One contract end next year. What I want to say is Donghyun really look like B.A.P's Daehyun! Like seriously they're similar. I'm shooketh! Check their song guys!


There are lot of Produce 101 S2 contestant gonna make a debut soon such as YueHua traineers, JBJ, and The Boyz (Joo Hakyeon one of their members). So lets support them and raise the views on their official MVs. I'm gonna stop here since these are k-idols that make debuted currently. They're some contestants make a comeback with their original group such as HOTSHOT's Taehyun and NU'EST.

Thanks for reading!