Saturday, September 23, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Day 7

April 29th 2017

ahh~ seulpeuda! this is my last day of my precious Seoul trip. My heart won't let me go back to Malaysia. I really want to stay for a few weeks more. Feel like wanna stay back in the guesthouse and buy another flight ticket to Malaysia but I'm sure my dad gonna yelled me thru phone. So far I didn't threw my tantrum at Seoul. I still in the normal state eventho sad to leave this beautiful country. After check out from the guesthouse, we went to Mango Six cafe at Sinsa. To go here, just go to Sinsa station and take the exit where you want to go to Bighit Ent. (read my previous post) then walked straight. The Mango Six cafe will be at your right side. I can said that I gonna screamed and I almost cried coz I really love to stay here. I don't said that I want to stay here forever and forgot my root, I just feel that the environment of this country is suitable for me and I easily can adapt with it. Usually, I will take some time to adapt with new environment but yeah being here makes me so happy and I hope I can further my study to one of their university. But to study here, need a tons of money and I'm not from rich fam so I need to forgot this kind of dream. After having some beverages in Mango Six cafe we when to airport early coz I'm scared if anything happen there. So it's better to reach there early right? I kinda miss korean ahjumma and ahjusshi coz they always compliment my korean language. Such a good memories that I've created with them. I'm so happy coz I got to communicate with them by using their own language. 
What I have got from my precious trip is they always take care their manner everywhere you go. Manner is an important thing in here. They really respect all people around them included tourist. As example, if you already received your food from the waitress, then you need to said "I will eat well" and "you have work hard" to the workers (please said it in korean coz ahjumma can't understand well the english language). I dunno why but I'm so touched with their manner (aww~). Second, just look at their clean environment makes me ashamed with my poor attitude. In Seoul, they really take care their environment and you really need to throw your rubbish in the dustbin or you gonna have trouble with the citizen if they saw you throw the rubbish on the ground. If you go to Cheonggyecheon stream, you won't see any rubbish on the ground coz they really take this matter seriously. This manner makes me become more aware and built new attitude in myself which is cleanliness. Hey, I don'y say that I'm a dirty person but I want to be like korean people who had good manner when it's come to rubbish thingy. Travel here makes me aware with their interesting  rules and some new technologies that they use in here. Tbh, my country is way far to be in the same level with South Korea coz they already got alot of things that are high-tech and their first class mentality of citizen. They also got cons such as they can't stand to gossipping people who are ugly and wear such an ugly clothes than them. I dunno why but I thing this kind of thing had been mindset in each korean people and that's why most of them get plastic surgery whereas they already pretty or handsome as they are.Hey, nobody perfect in the world right? So I just take whatever that can make myself change to a better person and I just leave all bad things that I seen and got in Seoul.
So here, this is the final chapter of my 2017 Seoul trip. Hope you enjoy reading all posts bout my trip and sorry for my poor writng coz I'm not fluently in english since this is my second language. But gonna improve it day by day. Thank you for reading the entire 7 days of my trip. Ah yeah hopefully I can be there for my second trip for the next 5 or 4 years after I'm finishing my bachelor's degree.

annyeonghi gaseyo!

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