Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Korea Travelog 2k17: Day 2

April 24th 2017 (Monday)

-Yang Good Halal BBQ restaurant

Everland address: 199 Everland-ro,Pogog-eup,Cheoin-gu,Yongin-si,Gyeonggi-do,South Korea
경기도 용인시 처인구 포곡읍 에버랜드로 199 (포곡읍)

We already planned to exempted a day just for Everland since there are too many things that we need to do in Everland. Everland is the largest outdoor theme park in South Korea. You can't finishing all games in the Everland for half day actually. You need the whole day to complete the Everland tour. Actually I had that Everland's map but i dunno where it go. I dunno where I put it after shown it to my dad. Maybe I've thrown them into the bin already? OMG! Hopefully not. For transportation, I planned to go with bus since I had researched all the impossible transportation to go there. But I didn't know that they got subway station to go there. So we just proceed with subway. If I'm not mistaken,you need to transfer to Yongin Ever Line from Bundang line (need to transfer at Giheung station and I'm forget which color it is) and Jeondae Everland station is the last station for Yongin Ever line station. You can check the station by using the app that I already told in previous entry. We woke up at 7am since we need to departed early. The estimation time that I got from that app I used, its said 1 hour and 30 mins for Apgujeong station to Jeongdae Everland station. So we already wasting our time in the subway already. Its better to departed early. Make sure your t-money got enough money in it. We grab a kimbab while waiting the train.

After an hour 30 mins passed, we arrived at Jeondae Everland station. No need to worry how to go to Everland after arrived there because they got shuttle bus to go to Everland. IT'S FREE GUYS. So just ride it okay. You also can use English language to the worker who worked at Everland because their English is not bad tho (trust me, I've tried this! hhahahaha) I didn't know many people went to Everland in week days such as Monday. Its Monday tho. The first day of the week,so people gonna busy to catching train to go to their workplace or schools. Eventho its monday, there are so many people there. I dunno either its public holiday or not in here. There are so many people who queue to enter the theme park. Thanks to their systematic system, they got a lot of counter so no need to wait for a long time. We already purchase the ticket through online. It way more cheap than you buy at Everland coz they got discount too! But there are some places that we can't enter such as Caribbean bay. Mostly we got play all of the games but not for Caribbean Bay. Its okay then, we also didn't planned to get our clothes wet on that day.

So the entrance really look like this. (I will use google photos based on what I've seen there ONLY)
Okay guys, I already searched for that Everland map that I had before this. I dunno where it go. Maybe I've thrown it into bin already (I'm so sorry!!) 

The map similarly like this one. But they don't have that label thingy instead they listed the games around Everland for visitors at the back of the map. They labelled the place by using numbers as example for number 1 the games is roller coaster. So by using the map you need to find where the exact place of roller coaster. Don't worry you won't misguided because there're too many visitors till night. Make sure you already grab your breakfast and have another food for your lunch because its difficult to find a complete meal in here. They mostly sell street food (?) thingy. You will starving for the whole day if you won't have your breakfast.

Since there are too many visitors so we need to queue for a long time (we ever queue for an hour, guys! goshh my legs). As a result, we only get to play some games because we need to go back to Seoul. Its already 4pm or 5pm at that time. So its better to moves right now since we didn't know this place exactly. Next time, I'll make sure to go here till night. (hehehh).

I need to wait for an hour and 40 mins to ride this. Ah! btw, that oppa who take care for this game is soooo handsome (annyeong oppppa).

This is the fucking scariest games that I ever ride. I swear I won't ride this kind of games anymore. Seriously! its so scary. I rather enter ghost house than play this game (ergh!). At that time, I sat beside a korean guy ( he got girlfriend already okay). When that thing rolling like hell, that guy screams like he gonna lost his voice on that day. I pray his voice got no problem after ride this game. Ouhh he look like he gonna cried. (hahahahahah)

This one not bad. I love this cuz its make my stomach ticklish (hahahahah)

This games is not that scary than that roller coaster wood thingy ( I suddenly forgot the name). There is a korean guy that ride this roller coaster with us. After the roller coaster stopped, he can't walk straightly. I fucking laughing hardly to him. seriously, he is so funny. aigooo

wahhh this games is sooo crazy. Its not that scary but during this thing swinging I can't stop laughing because its make me ticklish. Seriously! try to search 'Wanna One Jaehwan ride viking'. His reaction almost similarly with me. Its such a waste I didn't recorded my reaction. If I have the video, I will make differences with Jaehwan's reaction. (I bet no differences cuz I scream so fucking loud).

We also went to zootopia. I never went to zoo in my own country tho (Oh yeah! I have one. Its Zoo Melaka when I'm14 year old maybe).

This is one of photo that I've while I'm in Zootopia. (Bless my instagram cuz I got uploaded some of my Seoul's memorable moments)

Awww the view is so beautiful at this time. I'm falling in love with cherry blossom in here. It makes me walked into secret garden. (not that k-drama secret garden, okay)

I'm surrounding with flowers. Double beautiful! I mean the flowers. Its beautiful. My pleasure if you wanna said I'm beautiful also (AHAHAHAHAH OMG!EXCUSE MY CONFIDENT)

We moving to Jeondae Everland station to go to our next destination. It's Yang Good Korean BBQ restaurant. Its located in Yeoksan area and serving halal foods to all muslim eventho they serve alcohol too but don't worry, they know we're muslim. To reach here, we need to go to Yeoksam station line 2 (EXIT 6). Then you need to walk for a while since the restaurant is located at the small junction. Yeah, Korea got a lot of small junction. After walked out from Exit 6, we continue walked straight till the end of the building blocks. There was a KFC located at your left side. So make sure you find the KFC at your left side, okey.(remember! Its left side!). After reached at the junction, we turn to left and continue to walked. Walk straight till you find the first junction that can make you make a turn at the right side. So, take this junction and walk till you find an alley at your left side. You will see a small signboard (blue in color) which written as Nonhyeon-ro 95-gil.(If you can't find it, try searching it. Look above you since the signboard located much taller than you). Then, follow the signboard and walk through this alley. After a while, you can see that restaurant signboard.

Tadaa! this is the signboard. Make sure you find this cute sheep, uukeyy!
For Muslim, like me and my friend, Its kinda feel shy for the first time you entered there because there are too many korean at that time since its dinner time. Its a normal scene if you find them drink soju. Its okay, they won't disturb you. After we arrived at this restaurant and take our seat, there are some Malaysian and foreigner also eat beside us. So, I felt relieved for a while. (hahah at least we're not alone here).
So here, the menu!

Tbh, I forgot already what we ordered (mianhae guys, I'm such a forgetful person. Its okay, I trying to remember what I've eat there).
We ordered:
1) The marinated lamb - 18000 won/per serving
2) 2 bowls of rice-  1000/each
3) Kimchi jigae-5000won

Ouch, the marinated lamb is so delicious guys! seriously its the best food that I ever tried in Seoul (this is my second day. Me talked like I have living for 50 years in Seoul)
They also got side dish (banchan). I forgot what drinks we ordered, but they also served sky juice for us. Its FOC. So don't waste your money to buy any drinks incase you really wanna try it. I think I ordered orange juice coz I didn't knew they served sky juice for free. (I told you, its my second day). In Malaysia, you need to ask for sky juice and they charge for it (ermm I want live in Seoul so bad. hahahaah).

So, this is me with my hungry face. Oh yeah, I remembered what beverages I ordered. Its orange juice. (I'm in love with my precious orange juice).
A precious message from me to all my muslim friends: Avoid use the glass since they use it to drink alcohol eventho it have been washed cleanly. Use the metal glass that they give you. If they don't give you the metal glass, you can ask for it to the waiter/waitress. Press the 'help' button on your desk.

Yang Good Korea BBQ lamb restaurant address:
15 Nonhyeon-ro 95-gil, Yeoksam 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
서울 특별시,강남-구,역삼 1-동,15 넌현-로 95-길

So basically we went to two places only for day 2. Wait for my another entry with best places that I have visit. Sorry for long entry. mianhae chingudeul!

Thank you and happy reading. Visit my others previous entry too.

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