Sunday, October 16, 2016

Counting Days

  • Internship will starting soon and i'm still preparing my final project proposal and my slide for the presentation for next week. aaaa~ so nervous. 
  • But then i want finish my presentation as soon as possible because i can't wait to go back to my lovely house. instead me counting days to packing my belongings in my deep deep deep heart, i doesn't want to live my Pavlova-rians in this house. 
  • huuu~~ eventhough there are some things that sometimes can make me piss off but then.. yeaa i'm still wanna live together with them. they're my sweet sisters. 
  • Fyi, i am the youngest in that house tho. so sometimes my attitude will changes when i'm step into that house. they are my lovely housemate during this 3 years. 
  • thanks for everything gulls! thanks for helping me. 
  • Thanks for hating me so that i know nobody like my boyish and noisy attitude and i will act better infront other people after this.
  •  Forgive my temper gulls because i am high-temper girl. oyeahh that's why my attitude look like a boyish -_- Best of luck for you guys. 
  • Don't give up eventhough you still in the same pointer for all semesters. 
  • You can do it! Do the best and be the best! pray for me to go this toughest internship. 
  • Okey let's wrap up this story. i'm being to emotional right know =_='' probably because i'm still hungry?? heee~

My K-pop news:

  • i like Monsta X
  • I like everything about Monsta X
  • My bias (bee-ass according to Kihyun oppa pronounciation) keep changing
  • My current bias is.... Kihyun oppppppa!
  • Sometimes can be Jooheon Oppa
  • Sometimes can be I.M ssi.
  • SF9's debut song really bop for me.

annyeonghi jumuseyonggggg

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