Tuesday, November 3, 2020

CHOAEDOL My Favourite Kpop App

 Hello guys~ After so long, I'm back but for doing a contest in order  to get AAA award ticket from my favourite app, CHOEAEDOL!

the reason why I love this app is:

Choeaedol is a kpop app that I enjoy the most. Of course it kind of hard to used it at first but when you already adapted with it, it becomes easy plus we can gain lot of hearts in a day compare to other apps. There are two hearts which are Ever Hearts and Daily hearts. What I love the most about this app is Ever Hearts won't lose even you don't have plan to use it at the moment. You can collect as long as you want without any expired date. For Daily Hearts, it easy to gain it especially during hot time. I'm enjoy collecting Daily Hearts and it is not complicated to gain lot of hearts in order to make our bias enter the Hall Of Fame. Plus, we can gain lot of friends by sharing our ID as the recommender and chat with them in community page. Also, kpop fangirls who likes to design the poster or banner can share their creativity in here. In order to has a good banner for our bias's community page everyday, we can put our own banner there. The next feature that I like to play while using this app is the 'Idol Face Match'. I really do enjoy it so much but I hope Choeaedol team can put more chances instead of three times for us to used this feature in the future. I ever encounter problems where I can't watched ads in order to gain some hearts. What can I say, Choeaedol team are so quick to reply our inquiries so that we won't wait for a long time. Then, there is guideline for us how to collect hearts and make our bias as charity fairy too. I like to use this app and to be honest collaborating with AAA awards for voting site is the best decision since the app is not that difficult eventhough for beginners too. Lastly I do hope I can get ticket for AAA award because I want to watch my favourite group which is TREASURE to perform their performance and maybe to receives rookie award in that ceremony later.

-Choeaedol is the BEST-

Friday, May 8, 2020

K-Drama Review: Arthdal Chronicle(2019)

Anyone has finished this k-drama? me just finished it last month~ I'm not updated person when comes to k-drama because I'm too busy in real life. Plus, there are lot of kdramas were produced. I'm not complaining but I'm thankful 'cos my quarantine life will full with k-dramas.

I just knew that this drama has a sequel so I kind of not satisfied with the ending 'cos I expected Eunseom and Saya-nim to meet but nahh~ ahahaha each drama has its own lesson and what I have been learn in this drama is to be loyal and honest. Like how Eunseom loyal to his people. But, I don't know why but I feel my blood pressure raised everytime there was Song Jongki 'cos I don't know jjkhjs sometimes I be like 'wth are you doing?!' but I know there must be a reason he did that. I love Taealha b'cos she so beautiful and elegant hehehe this role is so good with her and I love the way she talks like heyy I love you unnie~  Overall the story is good but sometimes there was some parts that I can't open my eyes 'cos it was too rude or ergh I can when the part they cut someone tongue. The way Tagon changed into a fierce king makes me goosebumps like damn before this he was kind and tolerable but due to some people that love to challenge him, he need to changes himself. His childhood was so sad. He need to kills people that saw his blood. Life as an Igutu is not easy. and heol! I'm shooketh with Nickhun as Neanthal! I can't recognized him but thanks to google I know he was in there. His face is so familiar that's why I google-ed. and the short part where Blackpink's Jisoo... I am screaming! YG really need to send Jisoo in some dramas like please we need actress Jisoo. This drama screams DOTS feels for me because of Kim Jiwon and Song Jongki. Overall it is good and sometimes there is part that can't satisfied us but mostly are worth it. This drama is kind of strong for me 'cos it is not like other usual drama. and I challenge myself. yeay! The OST... I didn't check the OSTs but there is one OST maybe Ailee sang that song. will check the OSTs later~

Rating : 3.8/5

2020 First Update

yoww wassup~ it's been so long time that I not update this blog as I am busy with my student's life. It's 202 and I'm in my final year as optometry student. feels so good to update again in here^^ anyway as you all know COVID19 is doing its own world tour any country is not excluded. so I have some free time eventhough I have online class but I can fangirling during these quarantine days. ahaa! I will update about my k-drama review and some more events that happen in my life as to fill up my free time and now, I'm waiting for my online class at 9am. see ya in the next entry!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

K-Drama Review: Beautiful Gong Shim (2016)

Good Morning from me and whoever read my blog. i kinda bored and suddenly thinkin' that I need to update my blog. I still watching Blood. I can't finish this drama ASAP 'cos I'm too busy right now (ahh I think, I'm always busy (?) ) Today, I will update 'bout this kinda my favourite drama that makes me change my first impression to Nam Goong Min.

I'm no the fanatic fan who really into this drama, but what I can say is, this drama is good and I love all the actors and actress. This drama is all 'bout friendship and family. The saddest moment when Gong Shim (Minah) can't dragged that old arrogant rich ahjumma to the court 'cos she is wife of Gong Mi's higher lawyer in that law firm. I hate Gong Mi (Seo Hyorim) at all 'cos she can't help her own sister at all and all she think is 'bout her life and career. She ditched Gong Shim to have Seok Joon Soo (On Joo Wan)! Oh mann, me so angry right now. I can't accept Gong Mi has this love feeling to Ahn Dante(Nam Goong Min) because Ahn Dante appearance is too poor ( the meaning of poor is he fashion is not my style) in my eyes but yeah this is dorama so we need to follow the story then (wtf I'm saying right now). I really hope Gong Mi will remove the wig 'cos she is beautiful. I can say Gong Shim's life such an inspiration to me not to give up in life eventho it's hard to get what you want. Yeoreobun, watch this drama if you want to have a good inspiration.

I really hope Seok Joon Soo will end up with Gong Shim. When came to the last episode, Gong Shim has transformed and she become more beautiful! I really melting when Seok Joon Soo stroke Gong Shim's hair. awwwww! But he said, he already move on. Okey then. But still I can't like Gong Mi 100%. Ahn Dante's character is funny! sometimes he does a lot of aegyo and sometimes he will be serious like previous drama he acted as antagonist. But, when he smile, I still remember the bad character he had in Remember-War of the Son. Overall, this drama is good and funny and I love all the funny scene and the bloopers also! I really look for bloopers when it comes to the end of each episode. But not all episode have bloopers.

Drama rating: 5/5
[Seok Joon Soo is the survivor for this drama 'cos I'm into Seok Joon Soo]

OST rating: 3/5

[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO HEAR IT! I really love this song 'cos it puts my mind at ease]

[Cute song from Minah and I love her voice]

[this OST is soooo sweet!]

Monday, February 26, 2018

K-Drama Review: Baek Hee Has Returned (2017)

Good evening from me! I just done watching Blood episoded 5. Oh my god, Ahn Jae hyun is so handsome and his skin's color is so pale asf. Same goes to Goo Hye Sun. What a good common thing this couple has.

I gonna review this mini-drama which only has 4 episodes which known as Baek Hee Has Returned! I kinda love this drama 'cos the heroin is so... WOWW. She can fight like a man. The main role in here of course Baek Hee (Kang Ye Won). She had a daughter, Shin Ok-Hee (Jin Ji Hee). Both of these characters are so strong and fight like a man. I really like them. They are so funny. Baek Hee has married with one of her school alumni, Shin Ki-Joon (Philip Choi). They got some financial problem and had to move to Baek Hee's hometown, Sumwol island. Ok-Hee had to move to the new school and she had been told not to cause any mess and fight with other students. Truthfully, Ok-Hee is not Ki-Joon's daughter. Back then wehn Baek Hee still a high school student, she is the leader of Red Sock (Oh god, I forgot the real name of Baek Hee's group). This group consist of 4 people which are Baek Hee, Bum Ryong (Kim Sung-Oh), Jong-Myung (Choi Dae Chul), Doo-Sik (In Gyo Jin) and also Baek Hee's assistant, Jang Mi (Kim Hyun Sook). So, lemme make it short, Ok-Hee real dad is between these three guys. The end of the story, Baek Hee revealed that Bum Ryong is Ok-Hee's real dad and She got divorced with Ki Joon that scammed her and married with Bum Ryong.

I love this kind of action mini drama. Ok-Hee is so cute and love three guys who really hard working to win Ok-Hee's heart and act as her dad. I really like their accent. So cute. all the sentence will end with "yu~". As example : saranghaeyuu . OMG this accent is too cute.I like the way Baek Hee teach her daughter and train her not become like her where she in Red Sock's group. I didn't expect Ki-Joon was the person who sent the parcel that cointain red sock to Baek Hee and also he is the one who record  Baek Hee's action everywhere she go.and become viral. Baek Hee need to move out from Sumwol island as the video that recorded by Ki Joon had been viral. Eventho Ok-Hee is kind of  thug girl, but she has a soft heart and take care her mom when she knew the real story. The conclusion is, I really love this drama heheheheh.

drama rating: (5/5)
[highly recommended if you kinda boyish girl. I bet you gotta love it]

ost rating: I can't find the ost. So if anyone find it, kindly comment here! ^^

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

K-Drama Review: Arang and The Magistrate (2012)

Good Morning from my country! Wondering why I updating the blog in this time? It is 'cos my lecturer didn't informed he on mc today! Oh god! I just have one class today and I'm sacrified myself to woke up eventho I'm so fuckin' sleepy just now.

Today I will make a review for this not so old k-drama which known as Arang and the Magistrate. Mannn, I really want to watch this k-drama since my friends who don't like k-pop always asked me either I have watched this drama or not. I finished watching this drama during my semester break also (k-drama kill my time!)
So the reason why I watch this drama 'cos of:
1) my friendssss
2) Shin Min-A

This drama have the same case with Another Oh Hae Young. The first part of the drama was so boring and I can't focus to the story and keep scrolling my twitter while watching it (So I can't, its too boring for me). I love the King Of Heaven's role (Yoo Seung Ho). He so cute in this drama and the opposite role, King Of Hell (Park Jung Gyu). Both of them got this cute bromance!

Eun-Oh's role (Lee Jun Gi) is not bad I think. I love the way he helped Arang (Shin Min-A) and like other drama when it comes to the peak, the main role will fall in love together. I actually can't brain how he wanna get married with Arang since Arang is a ghost. But later, I realise, Eun-Oh ever died when he young and King Of Heaven helped him. Kinda interesting plot twist for me.

Now, lets talk 'bout the second hero in this drama. Yeoreobundeul, as I stated in my previous entry, I got this second role drama syndrome. Joo Wal (Yeon Woo Jin) is so charming eventho he not tooo much handsome but he got this cute + charming character in it. I really want he end up with Arang but then the loveline of both main roles are to strong. So I will just keep my desire to see Joo Wal and Arang together (huu).

I kinda shooketh when the antagonist role is Eun-Oh's mom. Actually it is not the real Eun-Oh's mom who did all the bad things. If you ever watched this drama, you ever knew Moo Yeon (Lim Ju-Eun) a.k.a the celestial fairy from heaven who really want to live as human posessed Eun-Oh's mom since Eun-Oh mom want to killed Noble Man Choi (Kim Yong Geon). I hope I can shed Joo Wal tears when he crying in this drama (In your dream, mannnn!) The three officers are so funny and also push and pull relationship between Bang Wool (Hwang Bora) and Dol Soe (Kwon Oh Jung) are so cute.

I love watching this kind of drama 'cos I love seeing hanbok. Its so unique and beautiful also the scenery of the scenes. Their cultures and the way they speak are so interesting for me. Overall, I'm enjoy watching this drama when Eun-Oh started investigated all weird things that happened in the village.

Drama rating: 3.5/5
['Cos there are some episodes that are lame for me]

OST rating: 3/5
[The ost who sang by Baek Ji Young is so fuckin' sad]

K-Drama Review: Another Oh Hae Young (2016)

Halo halo!! I'm back yeoreobundeul! This is the first week of my new semester which is semester three of my degree study. I just finished Beautiful Gong Shim and damnn the ending was so beautiful. 

Okey, back to my point, I want to make drama review for Another Oh Hae Young. I finished watched this drama during my semester break. Tbh, the first part of the drama was so boring and I didn't know how to focus for this drama at all 'cos most of the scenes were so cliche. I think, i don't need to write the synopsis of the drama ... righttt?

I'm not into Oh Hae Young's (Seo Hyun Jin) role in this drama 'cos she so annoying! Seems like she so desperate to have a man ASAP and from what I can see from this drama, she kinda has short tempered and yeahh Park Do Kyung (Eric) need to be patient a lot. Each drama that I had watched, I will have this second lead syndrome. Why all second lead actor will end up with sad ending?! It's not fair at all. I hope some plot twist there [heeeee] . I shipped Han Tae Jin (Lee Jae Yoon) with Oh Hae Young. Since there are two Oh Hae Young, I bet you already know there are two nicknames which are ugly Oh Hae Young (Seo Hyun Jin) and beautiful Oh Hae Young (Jeon Hye Bin)

The best part of this drama is Park Do Kyung got this power where he can see the future. This is the special of k-drama. There are a lot of main actor that got some power (it's not childish anyway but sometimes I be like ' this is nonsense!)

I think this drama kinda too adult for me huh?? I can't bear that ugly Oh Hae Young attitude. One that I realise is she is straight to the point and yeah some man really into that kind of woman. But it's annoying for meeee! 

drama rating: 3/5
[Since I'm boyish, so I don't like that ugly Oh Hae Young's role but I like some other actors there 'cos they make me laughed asf]

ost rating: 4.8/5
[The best ost of this drama is 'If It Was You' . Seriously, its the best ost in this drama and I knew this song from Produce 101 too! Can I say Produce 101 lead me to this drama? There are also some ost that hooked me into it. Feel free click and hear the OSTs.]