Sunday, October 16, 2016

Counting Days

  • Internship will starting soon and i'm still preparing my final project proposal and my slide for the presentation for next week. aaaa~ so nervous. 
  • But then i want finish my presentation as soon as possible because i can't wait to go back to my lovely house. instead me counting days to packing my belongings in my deep deep deep heart, i doesn't want to live my Pavlova-rians in this house. 
  • huuu~~ eventhough there are some things that sometimes can make me piss off but then.. yeaa i'm still wanna live together with them. they're my sweet sisters. 
  • Fyi, i am the youngest in that house tho. so sometimes my attitude will changes when i'm step into that house. they are my lovely housemate during this 3 years. 
  • thanks for everything gulls! thanks for helping me. 
  • Thanks for hating me so that i know nobody like my boyish and noisy attitude and i will act better infront other people after this.
  •  Forgive my temper gulls because i am high-temper girl. oyeahh that's why my attitude look like a boyish -_- Best of luck for you guys. 
  • Don't give up eventhough you still in the same pointer for all semesters. 
  • You can do it! Do the best and be the best! pray for me to go this toughest internship. 
  • Okey let's wrap up this story. i'm being to emotional right know =_='' probably because i'm still hungry?? heee~

My K-pop news:

  • i like Monsta X
  • I like everything about Monsta X
  • My bias (bee-ass according to Kihyun oppa pronounciation) keep changing
  • My current bias is.... Kihyun oppppppa!
  • Sometimes can be Jooheon Oppa
  • Sometimes can be I.M ssi.
  • SF9's debut song really bop for me.

annyeonghi jumuseyonggggg

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Annyeong my precious blog...

Its 5th Oct 2016 and this is the first time in this year(maybe) i re-visit my old blog. it has been so long that i'm not updated by precious blog~ it's because i'm busy like a hell and now i've finished all my semester and get ready for internship for 31st Oct. 

during my hiatus, there a lot of things that happened around me and some are good things and vice versa. I'm struggling a lot because i wanna increase my GPA as long as CGPA. miracle happened because each semesters my pointer keeps increase but unfortunately i can't reach the dean list's pointer (huuuuu~~crying alone). My diploma study about reach the final stop. I actually got a fucking good news. But i wanna keep it for now because i will tell this news once it's has been confirmed. Sooooo keep calm and eat your chocolate (huahuahua) during my hiatus also, i'm still the same which is I'm still the diehard k-poppers. okey need to go right now because tomorrow me gonna wake up so early.... annyeonghi jumuseyongggg