Tuesday, November 3, 2020

CHOAEDOL My Favourite Kpop App

 Hello guys~ After so long, I'm back but for doing a contest in order  to get AAA award ticket from my favourite app, CHOEAEDOL!

the reason why I love this app is:

Choeaedol is a kpop app that I enjoy the most. Of course it kind of hard to used it at first but when you already adapted with it, it becomes easy plus we can gain lot of hearts in a day compare to other apps. There are two hearts which are Ever Hearts and Daily hearts. What I love the most about this app is Ever Hearts won't lose even you don't have plan to use it at the moment. You can collect as long as you want without any expired date. For Daily Hearts, it easy to gain it especially during hot time. I'm enjoy collecting Daily Hearts and it is not complicated to gain lot of hearts in order to make our bias enter the Hall Of Fame. Plus, we can gain lot of friends by sharing our ID as the recommender and chat with them in community page. Also, kpop fangirls who likes to design the poster or banner can share their creativity in here. In order to has a good banner for our bias's community page everyday, we can put our own banner there. The next feature that I like to play while using this app is the 'Idol Face Match'. I really do enjoy it so much but I hope Choeaedol team can put more chances instead of three times for us to used this feature in the future. I ever encounter problems where I can't watched ads in order to gain some hearts. What can I say, Choeaedol team are so quick to reply our inquiries so that we won't wait for a long time. Then, there is guideline for us how to collect hearts and make our bias as charity fairy too. I like to use this app and to be honest collaborating with AAA awards for voting site is the best decision since the app is not that difficult eventhough for beginners too. Lastly I do hope I can get ticket for AAA award because I want to watch my favourite group which is TREASURE to perform their performance and maybe to receives rookie award in that ceremony later.

-Choeaedol is the BEST-