Saturday, November 4, 2017

K-Movie Review: Alice (Boy From Wonderland)

Hi, hello, annyeong! It seems I skipped doing my review for a few days eh. First of all, I will have a busy student life after this 'cos I just started doing part-time job. So... yeah, I will not log in my blog for a while plus there are tons of assignment, lab reports and major projects from each subject that I take this semester. Ohh! know what, my faculty already registered subjects for the next semester. Boii, my faculty got no chill. My next semester gonna start on Feb 2018. 

This movie was starred by Hong Jong Hyun, Jung So Min and Jung Yeon Joo. These people are the main character in this movie. From what I knew and understand 'bout the story here is Hye Joong (Jung So Min) actually a stepsister of Hwan (Hyun Jong Hyun). 
For the first part of the movie, tbh, I didn't understand the story because my brain can't digest well the dialog and I didn't know wtf Hwan is? why a ghost disturbing Hye Joong life? About 78% before the movie end, I can get the big picture for the story. She needs to find somethin' that missing from her life in one of this house which Hwan and Soo Ryun (Jung Yeon Joo) lived. Hwan keep reminding her and sometimes giving her some hints to the things that she missing in her life. If you said bout Hwan's keep bleeding, I'm not gonna explain it now. I gonna leave it for a while and keep it for my final paragraph. (merong!). Hye Joong is lost and she can't find that missing part that Hwan's keep talked. She also felt Soo Ryun hate her without any valid reason. She always saw a small girl walked toward a room then, she got an imagination in that room. Hwan always blocking her from entered the room but Hye Joong got a key to entered it. At the end of the movie, I can conclude that Hye Joong really likes Hwan when she still a kid and Hwan was a baby at that time. They shared same dad but different moms. Soo Ryun is Hwan's mom. She was a maid for Hye Joong's fam and after Soo Ryun living with this family for a long time, Hye Joong's dad falling in love and married with Soo Ryun. She never hates Hye Joong but accept it like her own daughter. One day, Hye Joong played with knife without Soo Ryun knowing bout it. She ran into the room where Hwan is there. At that time, Hwan ;s a baby. So Hye Joong killed Hwan's while playing with the knife. Actually, Hye Joong's mom know her daughter killed Hwan, but she shut the door and won't let her husband came in. From that time, Soo Ryun really hate them and she can't handled herself after Hwan's death. She committed suicide and that's why she haunted Hye Joong's life thru giving a nightmare. 
Both of them was helping Hye Joong to remember what she has before this. The reason why Hwan's body keep bleeding like hell is 'cos of the way he died. That house is their own house and there was no network in there and Hye Joong's mom also can't contacted her. Why the name is Wonderland? because the environment of the house, I think? It's so beautiful.
The only reason I watch this movie is 'cos of Hong Jong Hyun. Yeahh he's so handsome bruhh! But then the story is too complicated too understand. I'm a medic student but I can't brain well the story. Maybe I'm not film's student???? (joke bruh!). Even some k-pop MVs also are difficult to understand. (BTS take note this!). I got no intention to re-watching this movie and... yeahh.. no comment. 

rate: 2/5
ost: I can't remember the soundtract tho. 2/5

you can check the ost in the youtube!